Android: minimum version 5

iOS: minimum version 14


Location does not appear: Please contact the community administrator.

Honoa supports up to 15 different locations. Once 15 are reached, no more will be displayed.

Contact the location manager: Click on the logo on the bottom left. If no logo appears, enter the location, and click on the logo on the bottom left of the device.


No device appears within the location: Please contact the community administrator.

Contact the device manager: Click on the logo that appears at the bottom left.

I can’t add the device: Only the Sesame device can be added manually.

I can’t open the Sesame devices: see video.

Bluetooth Manual Activation:

I can’t activate the device: Check whether Bluetooth is activated and within range.

Remote Manual Activation (via Internet):

I can’t activate the device remotely:

  1. Check whether the mobile phone is connected to the Internet.
  2. The device manager has deactivated this option.

Hands Free Activation:

I can’t activate the Hands Free option: The device manager has deactivated this option.

Hands Free Settings: In device settings, activate/deactivate the Hands Free option and modify range.

The Hands-Free option does not work:

  1. Check whether Bluetooth and Location are activated on your mobile phone.
  2. Check whether the Hands Free option is activated for the device.
  3. Check whether all permissions are activated in Honoa settings.
  4. Check whether within range of Hands Free.
  5. Battery:
    1. [Android] In the mobile phone’s battery settings, allow the Honoa application to execute in the background.
    2. [iOS] Settings / HONOA / Location, select “Always” (move approximately 2km away after closing the application in the background so it will activate).
  6. If you already previously activated, wait 1 minute outside Bluetooth range before entering it.


The application has logged out: The user’s password has been changed or they have logged in on a different device. Login again.


Activate / deactivate notifications:

  1. In the mobile phone’s settings, activate/deactivate notifications for the Honoa app.
  2. In the Honoa app
    1. Activate / deactivate notifications in MENU / SETTINGS/ MY ACCOUNT
    2. Activate/deactivate notifications in the device’s settings.


The application is set in the mobile phone’s language.

If the mobile phone is not set to Spanish, French, German, or Italian, the language by default is English.

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